Frequently Asked Questions
How long will it take to train my dog?
The length of time that it takes to achieve your training goals is dependent on several factors, these include; how motivated your dog is, your ability to complete the homework between sessions, the severity of the problem, and how long it’s been occurring.
However, TMDT uses the most time-effective training allowing you to achieve your training goals efficiently.
What type of training is right for me?
This is a personal decision that may be influenced by your availability & other factors. If you’re not sure, please let me know and I’d be happy to discuss with you the best type of option.
I offer training where I train your dog and in conjunction, coach you at the same time OR I do the training sessions that occur in your absence and later, I coach you on how to maintain these behaviours.
Do you make learning fun?
Yes, this is extremely important. I want you and your dog to have fun. Training is not supposed to be drudgery.
Do you offer guarantees?
I guarantee you that you and your dog will be treated with kindness and compassion. I promise never to berate you for the choices you’ve made with your dog.
What equipment do you use?
Front clip harness and a leash.
In some aggression cases, I will recommend muzzle training but we will work through a muzzle conditioning process to make sure your dog is happy.
What equipment do you not recommend?
Prong collars
Shock collars
Slip leads
Choke collars
Pet corrector devices
“Training” leashes