What’s a behaviourist?
I'm frequently asked this question, and there's often confusion about whether I'm a behaviourist. The straightforward answer is no, I'm not a behaviourist. However, thanks to my extensive education at the Academy for Dog Trainers, I am qualified to be called a behaviour consultant. My training has provided me with a deep understanding of the scientific principles behind modifying behaviour.
Now, what exactly is a behaviorist? A behaviorist is an individual who has specialized in animal behavior, typically through the completion of a Masters Degree. To earn the title of behaviourist, they must be certified by an independent body.
For instance, in the United States, certification by The Animal Behaviour Society might result in the use of initials like CAAB or ACAAB. CAAB stands for Certified Applied Animal Behaviourist, while ACAAB denotes Associate Certified Applied Animal Behaviourist.
If you're seeking the services of a behaviourist, it's crucial to inquire about their education, credentials, and certifying body. In the absence of this information, it's a clear indication to reconsider your choice.
It's worth noting that in Thailand, we have Vet Behaviourists—individuals with veterinary degrees who have specialized in animal behavior, meeting the required education standards.
(This post is mainly referencing the education requirements in the US, requirements may differ across countries.)